Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Babies!!!!

I have some new

babies or

Jaimie has some new babies.

We set 40 and

only had 10 to make it.

I hope to set some more soon.

Sorry so short but it has tacking me a

a long time to do this much.


everyone is doing ok!!

We have had rain, rain,

rain, and rain.

Today it is nice got some things

done outside.

Stay safe.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank all of you!!!!


thank all of you!!

My daughter let me keep

her computer over night !!!!!

and I have been trying to look all the

blogs .

I hope to get a new computer soon.

I have so much to put on my blog.

All the babies are getting big, and we have been doing

so much around the house. I have lots of pitchers.

Please keep me in all of you're prayers for

all of you are in mine.

Sorry for the shot blog.

I will be back.

Stay safe and have

a good day.
